START-035 | A nice way to laze around on a lazy weekend. Eat, have sex, and sleep. MINAMO

START-035 | A nice way to laze around on a lazy weekend. Eat, have sex, and sleep. MINAMO
Label: SOD star
Director: Inoue Japan
Studio: SOD Create

[SODstar x Offbeat everyday erotic things] I like sex. It's not like it's a big deal. He lives his life seriously, but sometimes he has sex with a stranger just for fun. There are times when I want to laze around on my days off, and there are times when I want to lick cocks involuntarily. He watches movies while eating pizza, and even sits face-to-face with Ni○li on the sofa. I was living a normal life, and it just happened to be an erotic weekend.


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